Company Overview
As a 25-year-old professional provider of commercial kitchen oil fume purification and emission treatment solutions, SUPAR® took the lead in introducing commercial electrostatic air purification technology into the Chinese market as early as 1998. Since its first electrostatic precipitator boasting a number of international patents, it has been destined to carry forward its genes of continuous innovation and success in breaking barriers and solving market pain points, deep rooted in its growth and development.
Following the success of SUPAR® Electrostatic Precipitator and BARTON® UV-C&OZONE Clean System, and other best-selling products in the industry, it launched a new product series in 2018 - DIRK® Hoods. After 4 years of research and development and with years of lean manufacturing experience and commitment to supreme quality, DIRK won the favor of the market within a short time. However, we understand well that the other side was investment of over 10 thousands of hours on product improvement, research & development, testing, data demonstration, continuous exploration and upgrading of manufacturing processes, and of course, successes and failures. Based on all these efforts, we equipped DIRK® hoods available on the market today with its own "D-AIR JET capture system”, and brought the magical "cubic ring suction effect" and "SPEED suction channel" technologies to the kitchen. In addition, we had the products tested by the ASTM1704 standard test method and passed it. The product series has truly become a commercial integrated kitchen hood that efficiently captures and processes oil fume and heat with reduced energy consumption